Participants will appreciate other people’s perspectives on the same situation.
- Markers
- Paper
Who knew drawing bugs could make us closer to our friends?
- Tell your group that you are going to describe a drawing of a bug and that you would like them to draw a bug just like it. They will not be able to ask questions or look at the original
- The bug is round.
- The bug has eight legs, grouped in pairs, with four legs on the left and four on the right. In the pairs, one leg is longer than the other.
- The bug has two eyes on top of the body.
- The bug has two squiggly antennae.
- The bug has two pea-pod shaped wings.
- The bug has a spot next to each wing.
- The bug has a triangular stinger on the bottom of the body.
- The bug has two feelers on each foot – one longer than the other, both coming from the same side of the leg.
- The bug has a round mouth, placed between the two eyes.
- The bug laid five square eggs to the left of the stinger.
- After everyone has finished, ask participants to hold up their drawing for the entire group to see.
- You could allow your group to expand upon their answers or demonstrate the skill (ie. Have a pet? Yes, it’s a dog named Lucy).
- Participants will be stepping over one another’s legs during this activity, which can be extremely dangerous if they aren’t careful. Encourage them to take their time and remind them that it isn’t race; it’s to have fun!
Facilitate a brief discussion with the following questions:
- How did it feel not being able to clarify the instructions?
- Why were people so concerned about ‘doing it right’?
- Why do all the bugs look different?
- What would have helped so that the drawings would look more alike?
- Does this activity demonstrate anything about real life?
Obtained from: Croll, Ann and Langill, Corrine. “Warm Up Activity: Stand Up/Sit Down.” Healthy Transitions: Facilitator Resource Guide.
Originally sourced from: Building Dynamic Groups – Ohio State Extension.